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Latest News
Release 4.8
Posted by Simon at 22:02 on 15 Mar 2025Major Enhancements
- [RCPsych] Integrated Curriculum Coverage on PSR
- [RCPsych] School view of exams
- [RCPsych] Programme view of exams
- [#197] calendar view of Posts on career history page
- [#847] non sensitive management role info in user view when searching other portfolios
- [#867] added key to visualisation table on career history for colours
- [#835] Generic JavaScript Error message. Aimed for when visualisation errors occur but will work for a standard error also.
- [#876] added test coverage for fix #851
- [#937] add send reset password functionality to more intuitive Change Password nav for admin
- [#962] add school filter to ARCP filtering side bar
- added consultant portfolio type
- [RCPsych] added exam diets for 2025 imports
- [#738] make temporary supervisor access default end_date to 1 week after creation date
- [#795] [RCPsych] allow post selection when mapping to Active PDP
- [#834] change trainee specific working on setup and suspension warnings
- [#821] visualisation of career history improved UI, square edges for multi-year posts
- [#878] LTFT fields changes for standardisation of data in ST forms
- [#895] general parent child elements on form are cleaned and standardised for data collection
- [#932] formatting on HLO competency table
- [#956] custom datepicker fields to built in type date fields
- make nomination rejection reason mandatory
- improve nomination confirmation/rejection flow
- allow portfolio type to override Programme defined assessment levels
- [RCPsych] only transition specific portfolio types
- [#636] fix duplication on assessment view on transitioned users
- [#765] fix issue preventing completion of Post Activities
- [#769] fix error when trying to create Post Objective without HLO
- [#771] fix validation error when trying to create a new document activity
- [#775] [FOM] fix issue with incorrect default PDP view
- [#774] [RCPsych] fix issue preventing new Post Objective for different specialty
- [#775] [RCPsych] fix error viewing PSPDP
- [#777] [RCPsych] fix issue causing PSPDP to report 'could not determine framework'
- [#780] fix 500 server error caused by trying to display errors when creating a new review that has no errors
- [#782] fix display issue causing KSB text to incorrectly show inline when mapping to 2016 curricula
- [#785] fix 500 server error when review competency has missing name
- [#798] [RCPsych] fix issue where PSPDP would show 'no competencies linked' for Post Objectives
- [#799] [RCPsych] fix n/0 display issue on PDP card for HLO linked PDP Items
- [#802] [RCPsych] fix issue with HLO4 on LD 2016 curriculum coverage page
- [#807] fix caching issue that sometimes prevents trainee name displaying on ARCP card
- [#807] fix issue where chair of panel cannot see ARCP's for approval
- [#811] fix issue where Activities "Last Updated" was being reverted to Review/WPBA's "Last Updated"
- [#814] fix issue where deleted PDP coverage had not direct, offer user to delete coverage or convert to direct
- [#815] fixed off by 1 error when calculating MSF duration
- [#820] fixed not specified on extended absence post card, shows useful info: Notes and Absence Type
- [#823] [RCPsych] fixed css glitch on chrome/edge preventing PSR completion
- [#827] [RCPsych] fixed default Post issue when creating new PDP item for previous Posts
- [#828] fixed save progress inline freezing on Reports
- [#829] fix scroll alteration on number input fields (affecting chrome users)
- [#832] fix inconsistent nomination count when rejection reason not given
- [#832] fixed issue preventing un-map toggle working
- [#838] issue when scoped mapping is not deleted when direct mapping exists
- [#851] can delete duplicate PDP when user error creates two PDPs
- [#855] issue where deleting an activity would sometimes leave behind original WPBA/Report request
- [#821] fixed Post id showing in career history, now shows the title if the Post has no category
- [#873] fixed WPBA clinical evidence edit. Can't delete them from submitted, can't remove from submitted, can't edit from evidence
- [#879] warning show in yellow not success green
- [#883] fixed deleted evidence indexing syncing on evidence view
- [#886] fix truncated decimal values on form overview when true value is a decimal
- [#890] fix validation when editing previously submitted form activities
- [#896] fix foreign key association preventing error on Posts with linked review
- [#910] [RCPsych] fix offsite backup timeout issue
- [#912] fix issue where indexed elements where not being processed correctly
- [#923] fix issue where transition date was incorrectly being updated by new folder creation
- [#929] fix issue preventing deletion of certain activities
- [#931] fix table layout expanding out of screen for many evidences on ARCP form partial
- [#940] [RCPsych] fix referential integrity issue withe RCPsych backup data
- [#939] fixed viewing other accounts showing information for Organisations or Programmes
- [#943] fix overflow on file uploads distorting the table on the interface
- [#976] fix error when automatically re-assigning evidence to older based on date
- [#981] chronological ordering of posts on calendar visualisation
- fixed 500 server error when reporting errors on PDP Items
- ignore trailing whitespace when confirming nomination email